Posted on 5th February 2022

City of Lincoln

It was a typical winters day when I visited Lincoln today but the cold was banished by the abundance of fabulous architecture for me to capture. I have wanted to photograph the renowned ‘ Cathedral Quarter ‘ since moving to Lincolnshire in 2016. Circumstances have always got in the way but I finally found time to set aside a full day to do just that.

I was not disappointed.

I love Social History, I spend a lot of time looking through old photographs of times gone by captured in the moment. A street scene, coaches instead of cars, a building, a church. These are moments that will never happen again. On my day in Lincoln I wanted to do the same, in a hundred years time you never know who will be looking at my images remarking on ”how things were” in the same way I do now.

I chose to focus on Minsters Yard, where the Cathedral sits, along with the equally fascinating surrounding Lanes of Bailgate, the infamous Steep Hill, The Strait and Michaelgate. There was plenty to focus on, people milling here, there and everywhere… stunning norman architecture and an array of  buildings inviting the imagination for what they once were.

I plan to return to the Cathedral once it re opens after its recent facelift and renovation work where I hope to capture the internals of the spectacular icon of this beautiful City.

Please go to my Gallery to see the collection taken.

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