Posted on 6th April 2020

Covid Lockdown – Stamford, Lincolnshire – 3rd April 2020

There are moments when history is unfolding before your very eyes…


Street Photography has long been considered the ‘mono’ of life – of Social History… I am known for Heritage Photography, it is my passion; anything historical is but Social History inevitably goes hand in hand with whatever subject I shoot. A Church – as an example – is a time capsule of the great, the good and the down right ugly of life in Britain as far back as Norman tmes… I love it…


Street Photography is my hobby, much of which remains unpublished…


A picture of a bike – lonely at the end of a main road  is not terribly remarkable, nor the empty street with it until you tell the story behind it… Its just a glimpse of  a time that most of us are already wishing to forget but in years to come for a family sat around a sunday dinner table or a child in a future classroom those pictures are already telling that story and therefore already they have become our History…


So my photos are to capture just one day in that time, of a Town that has made its History and already earned its place in Britains capsule, but for those that live in Stamford – where we are all so proud of the same – to see those quiet streets, normally so busy with our Independant Businesses, Tourists and their cameras… its stands frozen, as if our ‘electric’ is turned off… and now we are just waiting for someone to flick the switch to bring us back to life…

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07957 531411

All Saints' Place, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2AG

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