Posted on 8th January 2021

Lean In Lincolnshire

Lean In Lincolnshire was founded in January 2020


I founded it at the same time as my #FaceMe campaign to provide a network of support for ladies – and men – that find themselves in situations and circumstances where workplace and domestic abuse, bullying, intimidation and gaslighting are forcing them to live in fear.


At Lean In we provide a confidential environment for people to regain their identity, focus on rebuilding their lives, along with the freedon to express who they really are without fear of reprisal. We do this in conjunction with improving their life skills to help move themselves forward.


Lean In is a global community. We reach out to each other to drive our movement and common goals together.


We meet regularly as a group each month – at present, to ensure saftey, through media networks such as Zoom and Skype – but we also offer one to one sessions if required based on individual needs. Our meetings often have guest speakers who share their own experiences and how they overcame them to go onto the live full and successful lives – what we learn from each other is that nothing is #ImPossible.


We actively promote diversity and equality and offer training in many different areas, such as biases, to enable an inclusive environment for all.


If you would like to find out more or wish to get involved and join the thousands of women and men already enjoying our motivational gatherings get in touch with me at



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