Posted on 1st June 2022

Margaret Thatcher Statue – The Unveiling Ceremony – Grantham

I have been a Trustee and Director for Grantham Museum for five years. In that time Grantham Community Heritage Association – the Charity which runs the Museum – has been working hard to create a legacy to Baroness Margaret Thatcher. She was born and bred in Grantham and the first female Prime Minister of Great Britain. This ambition turned to reality when the statue, that was originally destined for the City of Westminster, became available after the Council rejected plans for the statue to be placed there.

Working in partnership with South Kesteven District Council and the Public Memorials Trust negotiations finally brought the statue to Grantham and on the 30th of May 2022  a wonderful unveiling took place to commemorate the life and achievements of Grantham’s most prominent daughter. I was delighted to attend the unveiling with my fellow Directors and to see the many years of hardwork and fundraising finally come to fruition.

Special thanks must go to Ivan Saxton who brought the statue to the town via the Public Memorials Trust, to Grantham Mayor – Cllr Graham Jeal – for his kind words during the ceremony recognising GCHA for their contribution to the memorial, to Father Cradduck for his blessing as well as to Sir Graham Brady – Chairman of the 1922 Committee – for attending on behalf of the Conservative Party.

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