Posted on 12th March 2021

The Church of St Edmond – Egleton – Rutland

This beautiful Church was the discovery of a ramble one Sunday afternoon. I was overjoyed when Peter, the Church Warden, was there to permit me to go inside… What was a very unassuming doorway led to the most ornately carved Norman stonework I have seen on such a Church, small and parish – this archway – known as a Tympanum – another hidden gem!

As the daughter of a builder I have a fascination with buildings, their construct, sometimes former use and the many skills employed to build. I am particularly drawn to ancient architecture and indeed stone masonry, It fascinates me even more but I also love the beauty and care taken to produce the many spectacular buildings I have been privileged to visit..

There is no finer thing for me than the rich tapestry of history our Country has to offer – it’s there to be discovered…. There is much about our History and Heritage some would seek to change.. throughout the ages this has always been the case.

The most memorable of course is The Reformation which to this day leaves its scars across our Country.

My ‘Archtecural History Hunts’ have led me to many places where – thankfully – reminders are saved.

The interior of St Edmonds has little of the original centuries old, beautiful, ornate woodwork remaining – seen as unnecessary squandering of money and idolatry – but much else has been destroyed by Henry VIII ‘cleansing’ and religious persecution, replaced by more simplistic benches. Just a few remain… along with ‘scraps’ of the original screens of the entrance… clearly visible are the Tudor roses. Perhaps saved because of that fact alone.

Hidden gems such St Edmunds are survivors of  many a conflict. Its a true privilage to be allowed to photograph any that remains to share with others that may not even know it exists…

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