Posted on 22nd February 2021

The Church of St Mary the Blessed Virgin – Warmington – East Northamptonshire

This is another gem discovered while Campaiging on the Corby by election of 2012. This time thanks to a chat on a doorstep with a gentleman who lived just yards away. It was some years later, having moved to the East Midlands, before I was able to return to see the interior of this spectacular Church, as it was described by the gentleman, and the Domesday Book it houses.

The reason became clear as I entered, the roof is beyond beautiful, the ribbed vault and the honey tone colours of the wood are the perfect compliment to show of the master craftmenship of the construction of the roof, an imitation of stone vaulting…

A comparison of just how spectacular this Church roof is would be that of St John the Baptist at Harringworth, Rutland as shown in my Gallery. With it simple form it sets the two internal roof apaces apart in design and construction.

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